Philosophy & Process

“Live to Your Standard"

Empiric is short for Empirical which means based on evidence that is constituted by verifiable observations or experience rather than theory.  

In investing, we believe there are two schools of thought, fundamental and quantitative. We believe each has its advantages and disadvantages, but that both ultimately seek to outperform a benchmark but take different empirical roads to get there. Our firm embraces both approaches with specialists covering their area of expertise.

Quantitative Analysis uses data-driven models to determine a stock’s attractiveness in terms of specific factors. A quantitative analyst determines first what the salient pieces of information are to make a judgment, and then applies those investment elements to a broad universe of stocks. These strategies tend to cover a larger opportunity set of companies.

Fundamental analysis uses an in-depth analysis of a company’s business, management team and market opportunity to determine a stock’s attractiveness as well as the portfolio manager’s own experience. These strategies tend to provide more profound analysis on a smaller opportunity set of individual stocks.

QUANTitative strategies

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Fundamental Strategies

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